Friday, October 19, 2012

drawing objects

it felt amazing drawing in flash i would like to add buttons.

drawing backround

i liked to draw with the line tool it really helped.i really enjoyed using color to brighten my game.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

paper prototype

i learned from the paper prototype that i didnt provide enough decoy objects so i had to add them in.I also found out that there is a lot of places good ones to hide my ten objects.I also found that some objects would not go well and would be to ovious.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

plan game scene

I am excited about doing another short game.i am also excited to do a hidden object game and make it fun and challenging.i think most hidden object games are boring but ima make mine fun.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

choose game topic

My topic is good because you can use math all around you.Also i am going to use shapes witch is easy to identify.I also think that all kids know shapes and math already.