Wednesday, December 19, 2012

play to learn part 2

I learned from the games that I played that the most effective games are the action I also learned that more game ingredients make the game better. Name any game features that stood out to you, either because they were interesting or because they could be improved. Write down any questions you have about the game or genre you chose. You might answer them yourself later

Thursday, December 13, 2012

present your hidden object game

My topic was the Alamo I want them to know learn what is supposed to be there and what is research was I had much knowledge about the Alamo from my social studies and I researched images about the Alamo. What did you learn about your topic?What I learned from my topic is that I was going to do a game on math but i decided it would be more challenging for my game that's how my game changed over time.I have liked decoy because it tricks the people who play my game.making the objects was the hardest part of creating my game.I kept an open mind that's how i overcame that.the background of my game is the best.